Event 2: GATTACA

On May 7, I participated in the watch party for the movie GATTACA. This was such an interesting film, and I am happy I decided to choose to attend. Right from the very beginning, this movie got me thinking. The beginning talked about how the parents can essentially choose the best sperm and egg to become a "perfect" child. The main character, Vincent, was a "natural" child and his brother was one of the genetically chosen child. I feel very bad for Vincent because he was always compared to his brother and felt he wasn't goof enough. This is particularly interesting because we can pretty much do this already in real life. This is kind of scary that a movie that was not real is starting to turn into reality. 

Sperm being put into egg

It is upsetting that a society would only care about someone's genetics rather than anything else. Realistically, however, this is the direction our society is headed. We have so many tests that can tell a lot about us, and I think people will eventually use them like how they are used in the movie. They don't even have to interview for jobs anymore, they just get their DNA tested. This is not okay. Everyone is valid and everyone should be treated equal. Nobody should be considered superior just because of their DNA. This reminds me of the argument that white supremacists make. 

Workplace Drug Test

One think I liked in the movie is the architecture and scenery of all the buildings. I would not be upset if this is what the future looked like. The architecture is truly art, and the sets they build for this movie are very fitting to the theme. It is very clean and controlled. I also couldn't help but notice that they filmed a scene at the Sepulveda Dam (scene pictured below). It is so fun to live in Los Angeles and notice places I have been in movies. 

Sepulveda Dam in GATTACA

The end of the movie was very emotional, and it had a good ending. I am very happy that I went to this watch party, and I can not say GATTACA is one of my favorite movies. 

Sources / Refrences:

Drug Test. f.hubspotusercontent40.net/hubfs/2176045/drug%20test.jpg.

“Filming Location Matching ‘Sepulveda Dam, Encino, Los Angeles, California, USA.’” IMDb, IMDb.com, www.imdb.com/search/title/?locations=Sepulveda+Dam%2C+Encino%2C+Los+Angeles%2C+California%2C+USA.

“Gattaca.” Vimeo, 7 June 2020, vimeo.com/419761265.

Haberman, Clyde. “Scientists Can Design 'Better' Babies. Should They?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 11 June 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/06/10/us/11retro-baby-genetics.html.

“In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): American Pregnancy Assocation.” American Pregnancy Association, 13 Jan. 2021, americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/infertility/in-vitro-fertilization-70966/#:~:text=In%20Vitro%20Fertilization%20is%20an,then%20transferred%20to%20the%20uterus.

Mangubat, Clare Jocelyn. “Should Parents Be Able to Choose Traits for Their Children?” Young Scientists Journal, 17 Mar. 2020, ysjournal.com/should-parents-be-able-to-choose-traits-for-their-children/.

Palig.com. “Would You Change Your Baby's Appearance ...Genetically?” Pan-American Life Insurance Group, Pan-American Life Insurance Group, 4 Feb. 2019, www.palig.com/blog/dr-palig/2019/01/would-you-change-your-baby-s-appearance-genetically.

“Sperm in Egg.” Jetanin, 2020, jetanin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/5.IMSI_-1-0001-1024x715.jpg. 


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